News from the orphanage

On this page you will find the latest news about our orphanage. Enjoy reading! You can now also find us on Twitter & Instagram

Visiting the Songhaï Project

51 out of 56 children from our orphanage had the opportunity to visit the Songhaï Project and learn about sustainable agricultural development in their country. Show them ways to a safer and cleaner Benin with affordable food via

Tracing the Footsteps of Kings in Abomey

The children of our orphanage are exploring the traces of the great kings of Benin (formerly Dahomey) and their Voodoo heritage in Abomey. Only if they know the past can they shape a better future.

Cultural Learning at Our Orphanage

Our orphanage regularly organizes educational activities and trips for the children to understand the rich cultural heritage of their country.

A Warm Welcome for Miracle

After being separated from his family at the orphanage for months, Miracle received a moving and warm welcome from the children at the airport upon arrival. This profound love roots back to your generous donations.

Selflessness in Spirit

In the true spirit of selflessness, a family dedicated their only son to serve humanity, then embraced Miracle with open arms, prioritizing his wellbeing over their comfort. They are among the many devoted donors who inspire us.

Germany - A Place of Angels

Germany has proven to be a place of angels. In his last days in this wonderful country, Miracle is receiving so much love from all corners, breaching barriers of color, culture, and religion.

A Year Since Miracle's Diagnosis

A year has passed since Miracle was diagnosed with cancer. A year full of challenges and uncertainties, yet full of peace and blessings. Miracle says farewell to the Uniklinik Essen. We will never forget their love and compassion.

A New Beginning for Tahira

Abandoned immediately after her birth, she found her first home in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. We have given her the name Tahira. You can generously give her a future.

A Smile Speaks Volumes

Sometimes a smile can express 1000 words of gratitude. After months of treatment in Germany, Miracle has been declared cured of his cancer and will soon return to his home, the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. You made this miracle possible for Miracle.

Gift Packs for Vulnerable Children

The orphanage provided 100 gift packs to the Social Ministry of Ouémé, which will be given to vulnerable children at the close of the year. Your donations are making those children smile.

Celebrating God's Blessings

As our dedicated worker, Mr. Phidias Dekpo, was celebrating successful admission to an educational program in Germany, 4-year-old Kemi, when asked who we are actually celebrating for, responded 'for God!'. The cake became even more delicious.

Blossoming Days for Our Orphanage

The children of our orphanage can look forward to blossoming and successful days to come. This and much more is made possible through your donations. Continue to gift the prospect of a just and carefree future.

Our orphanage: A Special Place

Our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram has become a top destination for missionaries of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. They experience an increasing desire to see those miracles unfolding. 5 new missionaries from Pakistan showed their appreciation for this blessed project.

Video Games for Us!

The children in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram are truly loved by so many. One of our donors generously donated this video game so that the children don't just pass time but actually enjoy their childhood.

Invited to Embassy Reception

The director of our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram was invited to a reception by His Excellency the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Stefan Buchwald. An absolute honor and pleasure. The German Embassy has been a valuable partner in many activities of the orphanage, especially with respect to the currently ongoing cancer treatment of Miracle in Essen/Germany.

A Plastic Duck and Abundance of Love

Amidst the storms of life, sometimes all it takes to find solace is a plastic duck and an abundance of love. The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram stands as a fortress of peace for those who have lost it all.

Noor-ud-Din & Noor-Ain: Two Stars in Our Orphanage

The twins Noor-ud-Din & Noor-Ain were abandoned, severely malnourished, teetering on the brink of death. Yet, even in these turbulent times, your orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram remains a beacon of hope. Sustain this sanctuary with now 56 stars.

Attention, Love, and Inclusion for Mentally Disabled Children.

Mentally disabled children need attention, love, and inclusion. Thanks to our generous donors, we're able to offer all three at our orphanage, Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram.

The Moment Edwige Reunited with Prof. Nuri.

The moment when Edwige met Prof. Nuri again, the angel through whose hand Allah gave her a second life. Sometimes words are simply not enough to express the gratitude of the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram.

Our Orphanage Always Receives Immense Support from Dedicated Missionaries of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Benin.

The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram has always had immense support by the dedicated missionaries of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Benin. Today we were honoured by their visit.

Our Orphanage Will Never Forget ...

The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram will never forget the sacrifices of Faheem and Areesha Dieffenthaler. It was an absolute honour meeting my predecessor at the Jalsa Salana Germany 2023.

Youssouf & Marc: Our Newest Schoolchildren!

Youssouf & Marc are our newest schoolchildren from the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. We make sure that all children receive the best opportunities in order to succeed in life and serve their communities in the best way. Keep giving opportunities.

A Difficult Journey Lies Behind Miracle.

A difficult journey lies behind Miracle. Six months ago, we didn't know how we could manage everything. Until we found those loving angels from 'Essener Elterninitiative e.V.' ( The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram owes you one. To be repaid with prayers.

Loyalty to the Country is Part of Faith!

Loyalty to your country is a part of your faith. The children of the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram learn this at a very young age by celebrating the Independence Day of Benin every year. Help us grow a new generation of loyal citizens of Benin.

Your Donations Make a Difference!

If you ever wonder whether your donations to Humanity First really make a difference, be reassured that these brothers and sisters in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram may not have had this memorable time if it were not for you.

Joy of Receiving Sacrificial Animals!

It was an absolute joy when the sacrificial animals from the donors of Humanity First Germany arrived at the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. Your contributions are having a huge impact.

EID-UL-ADHA MUBARAK from Our Orphanage!

The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram wishes everyone EID-UL-ADHA MUBARAK. May your sacrifices be accepted by God Almighty. Ameen.

Like Butterfly Wings!

Like the two wings of a butterfly, Ramlah and Rehana are slowly evolving in their cocoon called Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. Help them grow strong and start to fly.

Miracle's Chemotherapy Begins!

After a long preparation, Miracle's chemotherapy started today. When you have such wonderful supporters, sometimes you can't stop smiling.

Miracle Finds a Loving Mother!

Miracle has found a loving mother in my beloved mother for the duration of his treatment in Germany. We try to do everything to give him the comfort and love he needs.

Miracle Finds a Loving Mother!

Miracle has found a loving mother in my beloved mother for the duration of his treatment in Germany. We try to do everything to give him the comfort and love he needs.

Dear Miracle, We Stand By You!

Dear Miracle, we have your back. We will never let you down. The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram and all the donors are with you in these challenging days. May now He, who heals, heal and have mercy.

A Day at the Zoo!

While the treatment has already started for Miracle, he has been given the opportunity to enjoy a free day in the Zoo of Cologne, Germany. A great experience for Miracle and a wonderful day made possible by you.

Miracle's Destination Reached!

After a long journey, Miracle has reached his destination: the university hospital in Essen, Germany. Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram never lets a child down. Miracle will receive the best treatment. Now it’s up to Him who heals to grant healing.

Thank You to Our Mothers!

On Mother’s Day, we would like to also appreciate the wonderful mothers who take care of our orphans in the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram 24/7. They don’t work with their hands but with their hearts.

In a New Place

Finding yourself in an alien surrounding without all your friends from our orphanage can be scary and upsetting. Having a rope to hold onto can make a huge difference though.

Miracle in Germany!

Miracle has arrived in Germany for his treatment and is being greeted the German way: First thing to do is to register. However, officials in Hanau are marvelously helpful and understanding.

History Has Been Made!

History has been written today. Since 2015, the HQ of HF Germany has been moving mountains for the children of our orphanage. Today, for the first time ever, a child from the orphanage (Miracle) reached the HQ.

A Short Nap for Miracle!

Still some time for a small nap before Miracle can continue his journey. All of this made possible by you.

Miracle's Journey Begins!

The first part of Miracle's journey has brought him to the airport of Cotonou. Our social assistant Didier has been working day and night to help with this. Our children not only have incredible donors but also fantastic caretakers.

Friends Forever!

Youssouf: My best friend Miracle is going to get well soon in Germany while I have this tasty juice all for myself. A great deal by our donors.

Miracle's Journey!

In a few hours, Miracle will start an important journey to get rid of his cancer. Be his supporter in this journey.

Prayers for our beloved brother Miracle

Our dear and brave 5-year-old brother Miracle was recently diagnosed with a severe illness, cancer. Soon, he will travel to Germany to undergo an intensive 6-month therapy. During these difficult times, Miracle needs our support more than ever. We ask you and your families to support him primarily through prayers. May God grant him a complete recovery. Amen.

True Care!

True orphan care is when you look an orphan into the eyes with love and see yourself standing next to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) like ✌🏽. Book your fast-lane priority ticket to paradise now via

Become a Sponsor!

Place your hand on the head of an orphan with love and compassion. Become a sponsor of our orphanage via

Eid Celebrations in Porto-Novo!

Eid in Porto-Novo (Benin) is when over 50 children and 20 staff members of our orphanage enter in style. Keep giving these joyful days for our children.

It's Eid Celebration Time!!

It's Eid! And the motorcade of our orphanage is once again ready. With your generous help, we can keep up with the growing demands of our growing safe haven.

At Our Limit, But Still Helping!

We are at our limit, but on your behalf, we continue to assist the most vulnerable in society. Reyhana & Ramlah were left without parental protection and found a new home in our orphanage. We now have 54 children.

Reel TV Visit!

Recently, a journalist from 'Reel TV' visited our orphanage and conducted interviews. He was especially interested in the connection between the month of Ramadan and charity.

Thriving Chickens!

The chickens at the orphanage, Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram, are thriving. Recently, seven new chicks hatched. Moving forward fast towards sustainability.

Growing Together!

The children at our orphanage, Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram, learn the value of helping each other by processing what we grow in our own gardens. They participate in growing their hopes.

New Milestone: Fish Farm Completed!

The fish farm at the orphanage, Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram, has been completed and is now home to 450 Tilapia and 50 Catfish. Another step towards sustainability.

Dear Donors of Our Home!

Dear donors of the orphanage, Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram: I see you. I see your everyday struggle. I see your sacrifices for us. But I also see your house in heaven.

Victoria Feels at Home!

Victoria enjoys hanging out at the orphanage, Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. She knows the donors will take care of everything while she gets to be just a child.

A Smile After Tears!

There's always a sad reason why a child comes to our orphanage, Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. And when that child smiles, it's only after hiding a lot of pain. Be their cover.

Smile: Priceless!

Hair extensions: 2€. Dress: 10€. This smile: priceless. There are somethings money can’t buy. For everything else we have the donors of the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram.

Dear Donors: You're the Greatest!

Dear donors, you are simply the best! You give hope to those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. To those who lost their eyesight in Togo, you give hope. Every day, you give us hope at the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. Merci beaucoup.

Our Home for Everyone!

No matter where in the world or from which communities they come, our orphanage will always be there to comfort those who feel alone, sad, and in need of support.

Healthy Eating Matters!

A balanced diet with high-quality food is really important for us kids at our orphanage. Every week, our nutritionist and cook work together to plan our meals.

Visiting Past Friends!

We went to see children who used to live in our orphanage. They will always be remembered.

In Safe Hands!

The children in our orphanage, our Home for Orphans, are in safe hands. Your generous donations as well. Keep putting trust in us.

Gift from Benin!

Our orphanage was one of 24 from all over Benin to receive a generous donation from the government of Benin.

A Special Recognition for Us!

The Ministry of Labor has chosen 24 orphanages from all over Benin for donations. Our orphanage was selected too and received a very generous donation.

Recognition for Efforts Against Child Labor!

In a few minutes, the Ministry of Work will acknowledge the efforts of 24 orphanages all over Benin against child labor. The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram has been selected this year to receive significant aid as well.

Preparation and Reward: Competition at Lajna Imaillah Germany!

The girls at the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram prepared for a competition at Lajna Imaillah Germany for several days and were rewarded with some gifts.

Pure Joy as Father Visits Our Triplets!

It’s pure happiness when the father visits our triplets Fawaz, Faouziath, and Faïz in the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram.

We've Got Their Backs as They Forge Ahead!

We have their backs, so that they can look out for new frontiers. The girls of Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram are ready to take responsibility in their society and community.

Safety is Our Top Priority!

The safety of our children always comes first. The orphanage offers security for the children in all facets of life.

Arichou Masters Diabetes Like a Pro!

Many of our children face different challenges in their lives. Arichou has diabetes and manages his insulin treatment like a champ. Your help for the orphanage is crucial for all the necessary tools.

International Conference for Children!

The orphanage was invited by the African Council of Religious Leaders for an international interfaith conference to share the Islamic perspective on orphan care and our best practices.

Respect and Dignity for All Beings!

The children at the orphanage are treated with respect and dignity. And that's how they treat other creatures too. Let's spread respect and dignity.

Delphin is Ready for His Community!

Delphin is the oldest boy in the orphanage. He is ready to serve his nation with the best of his abilities. We do our best to educate our children to become valuable parts of their communities.

Sharing Brings Joy!

Our children at the orphanage have understood: When we share, everyone gets to join in! They happily share their sweets with others.

Sweet Treats at the Orphanage!

It's sweets time! Some visitors brought sweets for the children of the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. The children are taught discipline and are waiting for their turn.

Healthcare for Our Children!

The health of the children at the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram is of utmost importance. In close interaction with Clinique Ahmadiyya and the Hospital of Humanity First Germany in Benin, we assess basic values of the children on a daily basis.

Rose's Dream Ride Thanks to You!

Rose has long wanted to ride a horse. With your prayers and support, we were able to fulfill her wish, at least temporarily, during an expedition to the beach with the children of the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram.

Family Forever: The Bond Stays!

Remember Martin? Half a year ago, he returned to his family. Recently, the children of the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram visited him. Once in the orphanage, the children will always be part of the family. Regardless of where they are.

Iréné's Ascent: From Valley to Summit!

After his mother died, Iréné had reached the lowest point in his life. The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram gave him shelter and security and helped him to climb up the hill of life again. Today, he is one of the best in his class.

Diversity at ADI Orphanage Thanks to Your Generosity!

In the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram, many children of different ages live together in harmony. Your generous donations make this possible. Keep supporting us.

No Electricity Won't Hinder Us!

Not having electricity will not stop the progress of the children at the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. But not having your precious prayers and support might.

Femi's Step to Freedom!

Femi is a 3-year-old girl at the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. She is suffering from a malformation of her legs. With an expensive treatment, we are slowly improving her condition. Now she can freely walk and play.

Maurice's School Success: Your Blessing!

The first baby ever to enter the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. Our 2nd grader Maurice is doing well in school due to your prayers and donations.

Deborah's Progress Thanks to Your Help!

Deborah is a girl at our orphanage ADI who needs some assistance. We have finally found a therapist who may help her. This may allow her to become more independent in tasks like washing and eating. Your donations help to continue the therapy.

Wage Increase in Benin: Opportunities and Challenges!

In view of rising prices in Benin, the government has decided to increase wages by 30%. An opportunity for many to battle poverty. However, a huge challenge for the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram with 37 staff members.

Geraldine's Success Story!

Geraldine came to our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram due to acute malnutrition. Now that she has quickly recovered, we were able to set up a nutritional plan together with her father and successfully reintegrate her. After all, the best place for a child to be.

Faïz's First Word: 'Doctor'!

Faïz, one of our triplets, found a new home in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram 9 months ago. Today, he uttered his first word: 'Doctor'.

Our Triplets Thank You!

Here they are, our triplets (from left to right): Faïz, Faouziath, and Fawaz. Thanks to your generosity, they're all growing up wonderfully.

Your Donations Bring Normalcy!

Your donations mean everything to us! They give us the chance to live a life here at Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram that's a bit more like other kids. We have safety, and we can play and learn together. It's all thanks to your generous support!

Welcome, Geraldine! Our Family Expands.

A few months ago, something important happened in our lives - we welcomed Geraldine into our big family! Geraldine needed extra love and care because she wasn't feeling well. She's been staying with us at Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram, our special place where we take care of each other. Now, there are 54 of us here, all becoming one big family!

Donatien, our 53rd sibling

A few days ago we found a 5 month old boy in our Humanity First hospital. The little one was severely malnourished and weighed only 2 kg. The mother was desperate and came to the hospital because she had heard that there the needy would find help even in the most desperate situations. Our doctors immediately started treatment and feeding.

Donatien tolerated the feeding and treatment well. He is staying with us temporarily. We will see how we can help this very poor family so that Donatien can return home one day.

For the time being, Donatien has been accepted into our orphanage as our 53rd sibling and is now part of the family.

Medesse's mother suffered a stroke

Medesse's mother suffered a stroke during childbirth. As a result, Medesse was very malnourished. She is now at home with us for the time being. After 3 months, when she has gained some weight, we will discuss with the family what to do. Until then we are 52 brothers and sisters.

Aishah is here

Today, on World Humanitarian Day, we are honoured to welcome our 51st sibling. We have named her Aishah.

Our trip to Cotonou

Today we went to the capital of Benin, Cotonou. We learned a lot about the history and culture. We also visited the Tauheed Mosque and the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and also met the honoured Ameer of Benin.

Edwige's dummy

We listened to the Khutba together today, except for Edwige, she was distracted with her dummy.

Ridwan leaves us after 8 years

Our dear Ridwan Hounkponou is leaving us after 8 years. He was with us from the beginning and we will all miss him very much. May God bless him.

Arencho's long journey to us

Arencho comes from Parakou, which is about 6 hours away from our orphanage. Social services could not place him nearby because of a chronic illness. Now there are 50 again. Thank you for your donations!

Martin visited his family

Today we visited Martin for the first time since his successful reintegration into his family. The thought of his journey fills the heart with joy and gratitude.

Day of the African Child

June 16 is the day of the African child. Today we were out and about with children from other orphanages to draw attention to the issues of tolerance, human rights and moral values.

Martin, we will miss you

Saying goodbye is hard. Martin has become a part of our family and always will be. But it is all the more beautiful to know that after a long search, his mother has finally been found and we have thus been able to reunite them.

Romain and Romaine run

Yeaaah! Romain and Romaine have both started walking. May each of their steps open a door to heaven for our donors.

The aunt of Delphin & Delphine visits us

Today the aunt of Delphin & Delphine visited us for the first time after so many years. The joy was very big, especially if you know the story behind it.

With „Maryam“ we are now 50 brothers and sisters!

After this girl was found by the police in the jungle, unfortunately it could not be determined where she comes from and where she lives. Since today, we can welcome her in our orphanage. We have given her the name „Maryam“. Our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram now accommodates 50 children. Continue to support

With Aleem we are 49 children as of today

With Aleem we are 49 children as of today.

Christan can walk again

8 weeks ago, our team found a boy who had a serious accident. His leg was badly broken. Thanks also to a humble family from Germany (Hannover) who paid for the treatment, Christan can walk again.

An important meeting

Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram Orphanage has received the chairmanship of the committee for the preparation of the International Day of the African Child for Ouémè State. Today we had the honor to welcome the other orphanages to the committee to start the preparations.

A very special day begins

We wish all Muslims around the world a blessed Eid.

A very special day is beginning. With this motorcade, we are setting off early this morning for Eid. Finally arriving, we waited in line to finally go in.

After the common Eid prayer, the Ameer of the Jamaat Benin welcomed us again personally. It was a very exciting and beautiful day. We are back home with 41 children and 18 educators. Just in time to watch the Eid ceremony on MTA.

Our chickens for times of crisis

Our chickens will also be a help to us in times of crisis.

High-ranking visitor from Nigeria

Today we were visited by Hafiz Abdul Ghani, the deputy director of Hafiz School from Nigeria.

Deborah is making great progress

Deborah is making great progress. She can do more and more things that she could not do recently. She smiles more and more.

The twins Romain and Romaine

The twins Romain and Romaine are now part of our extended family. After their parents died, they almost starved to death.

Our new warehouse is being built

This warehouse is being built on our orphanage grounds, where we will then be able to store food and other essentials for times of crisis.

His joy was unimaginable

Yahya was a mentally retarded boy who was lost and police could not find his family as he was unable to speak. After a week without a sign of his family the police finally asked us to take him into our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram in November 2021.

He was rapidly integrated in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram and everybody loved him. He had found a new home. But part of him was still longing for his family, whom nobody could find.

Finally, we went to the place he was found and searched for his family with his picture. After about one week we were amazed when we actually found his family. In December 2021 we were able to reintegrate him into his family.

Now, 4 months later, we visited him in his village. His joy was unimaginable. He rapidly ran towards us and embraced us. He has two homes. And the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram has a whole village. The village of Yahya.

When God opens a door

In moments of grief one must not forget that it is that moments WHEN GOD OPENS A DOOR. After having lost her sister two days ago in childbirth she found a safe haven for her niece in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. The orphanage now has 48 children. Keep supporting us. ➜ » «

Triplets have new home

Fauzia, Fawaz and Faiz are triplets, whose mother died while giving birth to them. They have now found a new home in the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. The orphanage now has 47 children.

A high visit to our orphanage

The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram was delighted about the visit of respected Shareef Odeh Sahib. An honour for Edwige and the other children. Keep supporting us with your prayers and via

Joshua gets a visit from his mother

Joshua found a new home in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram 5 months ago. Today his mother visited him. She was very happy that the orphanage is taking good care of her son. These and many other stories have been made possible by your donations.

Edwige has returned home!

Edwige has returned home! A long journey lies behind us. A journey that cannot be measured in metres, but in miracles. Watch these miracles unfold. Follow us on social media at @waisenheim @humanityfirstde

Noël has lost his mother two months ago

Noël has lost his mother two months ago. His aunt was confident that the Orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram will give her nephew a good future and has entrusted us with guarding the child. The orphanage now has 44 children.

Gloria, our 43rd sibling

It makes you incredibly sad to learn what happened to little Gloria. Her mother abandoned her when she was a baby. Afterwards she was accommodated by relatives, but they did not give her enough food. But it makes us all the more happy that we can now take Gloria in, give her a family, a sheltered home and so a future. We are now 43 siblings in the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram and the responsibility keeps growing. All of this is also made possible by your donations, so keep donating - even the smallest donation can make a big impact. Thank you! » «

Edwige has arrived at Tahir Heart Institute

Our little baby Edwige has arrived at the Tahir Heart Institute in Pakistan. This is partly a result of your generous donations. With your support, you have given a baby who would have been abandoned to his fate in his home country this chance. Continue to support us at:

Edwige is on its way to Pakistan

You too have lost your heart to Edwige. Thanks to your help and prayers, after a long and difficult preparation, Edwige is finally on her way from Benin to the Tahir Heart Institute in Pakistan, where she will undergo heart surgery. Please continue to pray for our little baby to make a full recovery, we will keep you posted. You can still donate at: » «

Thank you for your help

A big thank you to you, our supporters, donors and all contributors who make this wonderful and unique project possible at all.

Deborah had neurological problems

Deborah had neurological problems. Recently her grandmother died and she found a new home in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. With your generous donations we were able to conduct sophisticated diagnostics in order to help her. Please keep supporting us. » Donate now! «

Moustapha & Moufoutaou's grandfather on visit

Remember the two brothers, Moustapha and Moufoutaou, who we rescued out of the water in the flooded village? Their grandfather and uncle visited them today for the first time. They were very delighted to see the development of the children in our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram.

Janviette's mother has died

Janviette is 11 days old. Her mother passed away shortly after her birth. We have the honour to call Janviette our sister from today and welcome her into our home. We are now 42 brothers and sisters together!

Our sister Hedwig has to go to hospital

Our sister Hedwig is 2 months old and lives together with us in the orphanage. A few days ago we found out that she has a heart defect. With the support of Humanity First Germany, we are currently organizing her transport to Pakistan for the upcoming surgery at the Tahir Heart Institute. May God help us and give our little baby a long and healthy life. Amin.

Our second orphanage worldwide is being built

It gives us great pleasure to inform you that Humanity First Germany is currently building another orphanage in Uganda. This would be Humanity First's second orphanage worldwide! Would you also like to participate in this historic project? You can already donate now or make a pledge directly at:

Great visit from Germany

Today, a team of doctors from Humanity First from Germany visited us. We all dressed up and welcomed them with a song and flags. Afterwards we had time to play and chat with them. They are great people, and in the coming days and weeks they will help poor people, especially in Benin, to get free treatment. Another team has arrived in Chad and will help the people there.

The police found Nestor on the street

Today is a beautiful day. We have had offspring, or to be more precise, a new member of the family: Nestor. He has a lot of scars on his body. The police found him on the street. They say he must have been forced to work by force. So it is all the nicer today when a new chapter can begin for Nestor - together with us, with his family from orphanage

The joy is indescribable

Martin is a 10-year-old boy who was forced to work by his parents. He ran away in despair and was found on the street by the police. By the grace of God, he has now found a new home in our orphanage. His greatest joy was when Martin was allowed to go to school with us for the first time. We took this photo at such a moment. May God provide him with much education to later give his children and grandchildren a better life - and also help other children. Amin.

Two children rescued from a flooded area

A few days ago, Papa Valeed rescued two children from a flooded area and brought them to our orphanage. Mustapha and Mouphatou were already in a difficult situation even without the flood, as their father had recently died and their mother had unfortunately also abandoned them. Our home now has 30 children. Welcome Mustapha & Mouphatou

Youssouf's first day at kindergarten

Today is a beautiful day, Youssouf starts kindergarten. Our brother came to us 18 months ago. It is so sad to think that he was lying alone on the side of the road, starving and in danger of dying. After a short stay in hospital, he thankfully got better and was able to move in with us. We have grown very fond of him. Please pray for Youssouf - but also always for us.

Dossou's sisters are now here too!

Anna and Sarah, two twins from Benin, are the older sisters of Dossou (left on their grandmother's lap). Our orphanage was asked by the authorities to take care of them. Dossou has been living with us since the death of his mother, his twin sisters Anna and Sarah were looked after by their uncle during that time. Since he can no longer take care of them, Anna and Sarah have now come to live with their brother in the house of the Honourable. A reunited family. Our home now has 28 orphans.

Honoré gets an incredible visit

Recently, Honoré was visited by his blind mother for the first time since his arrival in the orphanage. It was a touching moment. We are grateful to God that our orphanage has been able to help save his life.

Honoré, the Honourable

Today we would like to introduce you to Honoré. He was a 21 months old child when he was referred to us, urgently a few weeks ago. Honoré was suffering from sever starvation.

A mother donates her deceased daughter's clothes to Claudine

A woman from Benin, who lost her daughter at birth, has donated everything that she had lovingly bought for her child to Claudine. One out of the many emotional stories we experience every day at our orphanage.

Claudine is half-orphaned and her mother abandoned her

A new Baby is here! We warmly welcome Claudine to our orphanage Ahmadiyya Darul Ikram in Benin. Unfortunately, her father passed away before she was born and her mother abondend her. She is one month old and by the grace of God has now found a home at our Orphanage.

Mum & Dad are finally here!

Today our new mum and dad Dr Valeed Sethi arrived from Germany. We are all very excited. But I'm sure Mum and Dad are too. It is a great day.

Simply incredible!

It is unbelievable, this young couple is leaving their home and their beautiful home to help other people in a foreign place for the rest of their lives. May God accept and richly reward your efforts. Amin.