Miracle's Brave Journey for Cancer Treatment in Germany

Miracle, one of our bravest children, undertook a challenging journey to Germany for cancer treatment. Thanks to your generous donations and support, Miracle has the opportunity to receive treatment in Germany that is not available in our orphanage. We are grateful for your continued assistance on this journey to healing.

Miracle's Cancer Diagnosis and Journey for Treatment in Germany

Some time ago, at the Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram orphanage, we noticed that one of our children, Miracle, had a swelling in his neck that seemed to be growing continuously. An initial biopsy confirmed our fears - it was cancer.

At that time, we could not foresee that this diagnosis would mark the beginning of a journey across continents, a journey that would do justice to Miracle's name. After extensive consultations with oncologists from different countries, it became clear: the necessary treatment was not available in Benin.

The joy was immense when the University Hospital in Essen pledged comprehensive support for Miracle's treatment in Germany, supported by the 'BILD hilft, Ein Herz für Kinder e.V.' organization. Our staff, especially Social Assistant Didier, worked tirelessly to prepare for Miracle's departure.

The journey to Germany began, accompanied by many challenges, and the reception was cold - very different from what Miracle was used to. Yet, there were heartfelt moments in Germany: Miracle became the first child from the orphanage to visit the headquarters of Humanity First Germany. However, bureaucratic hurdles, such as visiting the Citizen Service in Hanau, were encountered.

In Germany, Miracle found a new family that warmly welcomed him. His treatment at the Children's Hospital Essen began, accompanied by support and loving care. Thanks to the Essen Parents' Association for Children with Cancer, Miracle found accommodation and connections with other children. The therapy was successful, but see for yourself.

Prayers for our beloved brother Miracle

Our dear and brave 5-year-old brother Miracle was recently diagnosed with a severe illness, cancer. Soon, he will travel to Germany to undergo an intensive 6-month therapy. During these difficult times, Miracle needs our support more than ever. We ask you and your families to support him primarily through prayers. May God grant him a complete recovery. Amen.

Miracle's Journey!

In a few hours, Miracle will start an important journey to get rid of his cancer. Be his supporter in this journey.

Friends Forever!

Youssouf: My best friend Miracle is going to get well soon in Germany while I have this tasty juice all for myself. A great deal by our donors.

Miracle's Journey Begins!

The first part of Miracle's journey has brought him to the airport of Cotonou. Our social assistant Didier has been working day and night to help with this. Our children not only have incredible donors but also fantastic caretakers.

A Short Nap for Miracle!

Still some time for a small nap before Miracle can continue his journey. All of this made possible by you.

History Has Been Made!

History has been written today. Since 2015, the HQ of HF Germany has been moving mountains for the children of our orphanage. Today, for the first time ever, a child from the orphanage (Miracle) reached the HQ.

Miracle in Germany!

Miracle has arrived in Germany for his treatment and is being greeted the German way: First thing to do is to register. However, officials in Hanau are marvelously helpful and understanding.

In a New Place

Finding yourself in an alien surrounding without all your friends from our orphanage can be scary and upsetting. Having a rope to hold onto can make a huge difference though.

Miracle's Destination Reached!

After a long journey, Miracle has reached his destination: the university hospital in Essen, Germany. Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram never lets a child down. Miracle will receive the best treatment. Now it’s up to Him who heals to grant healing.

A Day at the Zoo!

While the treatment has already started for Miracle, he has been given the opportunity to enjoy a free day in the Zoo of Cologne, Germany. A great experience for Miracle and a wonderful day made possible by you.

Dear Miracle, We Stand By You!

Dear Miracle, we have your back. We will never let you down. The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram and all the donors are with you in these challenging days. May now He, who heals, heal and have mercy.

Miracle Finds a Loving Mother!

Miracle has found a loving mother in my beloved mother for the duration of his treatment in Germany. We try to do everything to give him the comfort and love he needs.

Miracle's Chemotherapy Begins!

After a long preparation, Miracle's chemotherapy started today. When you have such wonderful supporters, sometimes you can't stop smiling.

A Difficult Journey Lies Behind Miracle.

A difficult journey lies behind Miracle. Six months ago, we didn't know how we could manage everything. Until we found those loving angels from 'Essener Elterninitiative e.V.' (http://krebskranke-kinder-essen.de). The orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram owes you one. To be repaid with prayers.

A Smile Speaks Volumes

Sometimes a smile can express 1000 words of gratitude. After months of treatment in Germany, Miracle has been declared cured of his cancer and will soon return to his home, the orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. You made this miracle possible for Miracle.

A Year Since Miracle's Diagnosis

A year has passed since Miracle was diagnosed with cancer. A year full of challenges and uncertainties, yet full of peace and blessings. Miracle says farewell to the Uniklinik Essen. We will never forget their love and compassion.

Germany - A Place of Angels

Germany has proven to be a place of angels. In his last days in this wonderful country, Miracle is receiving so much love from all corners, breaching barriers of color, culture, and religion.

Selflessness in Spirit

In the true spirit of selflessness, a family dedicated their only son to serve humanity, then embraced Miracle with open arms, prioritizing his wellbeing over their comfort. They are among the many devoted donors who inspire us.

A Warm Welcome for Miracle

After being separated from his family at the orphanage for months, Miracle received a moving and warm welcome from the children at the airport upon arrival. This profound love roots back to your generous donations.