Latest News

News from the orphanage

On this page you will find the latest news about our orphanage. From the arrival of our new parents, to Youssouf's first day at kindergarten, to the sad news of baby Janviette and her late mother - we try to keep you up to date. You can also follow us on our social media channels at @waisenheim

Our Home

House of the Honourable

Welcome to the pages of our orphanage Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. More than 50 children and a large team of educators live and work here. We would like to show you who we are, where we come from and what we do all day. Here you can find out more about our home. Have fun!

Our Family

More than 50 siblings and 12 mothers

This is our home - Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram. Our huge family lives here with more than 50 children and 12 mothers. We can play in the playground in the courtyard and in the playroom. There is also room for some animals. We even have our own bus for excursions...

Our daily routine

What we do all day

We are all early risers and most of us even by choice. Very early in the morning we wash ourselves and get dressed. Some still need help from our „Mamas“. Then we have breakfast before the older children go to school. The little ones are allowed to stay at home...


You can donate any amount to the Ahmadiyya Daroul Ikram orphanage project of Humanity First Deutschland e.V.


Become a project sponsor for the orphanage now and help to keep this place of refuge for the children running.